Saturday, April 12, 2008

Do Korean Cats smell like Kim Chi?

Cats are pretty rare here in Korea. As an undergrad at Cal Poly, my Korean friend, who's nick name was "Speedy Gonzalez" (he liked to be called "Speedy"), hated--I mean he hated cats. They gave him the creeps. It was an unusual reaction. Some Korean people here hate cats too. It's cultural and I believe there are a lot of old stories passed down that depict cats negatively and are believed to bring bad spirits or spirits of the dead back...I will investigate!

There's a local cat with a RFID tag in it's ear. (See picture on side bar). She's a sweety. I always bring her some milk. She lives in the Hi-Mart store down the street. The owner is very friendly. He showed me that the cat lives under the vinyl awning that covers the side of the Mart. There's a series of boxes that lead up to an entrance in the vinyl. When I took that picture, she was, at first, in the shadows near the entrance. But when I talked to her, she got up and walked into the sunlight and sat down for her picture. Pretty smart.

When I am in that area, I buy a little milk in a 5 oz container, drink about 4oz and carefully open the cartoon so that she can drink from the container. I basically peel the card board back in a long strip, so that she can drink the milk.

There's another picture of a stray cat in my hood. (See side bar) Basically, all cats look like that stray one. They are abandoned and they probably pick through the yellow bags for food or eat whatever is available. As you know Korean food is spicy and has garlic, I wonder if the cats eat that?

I don't know why that cat has a RFID tag. I imagine the owner did it for protection. It is pierced through her ear. You can see the scare and skin that has bubbled and later healed around it. It looks like the Challenger Shuttle and is yellow. Maybe that is to prevent it from being picked up by the authorities?

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