Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Work and Career Issues

I was reading a chapter from Po Bronson's wonderful and honest book called What to do with my Life or something like that. It told the story of a few people who decided to live in New Orleans and how their notions of career and identity came to a standstill. Basically, those who were burnt out on being ambitious in high-powered cities like New York found refuge in New Orlean's lifestyle of easy living in the Big Easy. Those who now lived there escaped the rat race however their internal sound track, that voice in their heads, of getting things done and being ambitious were slowed down to a barely audible pitch. They still had longings to better themselves professionally but it was toned down like the begging squeal of an amputated wheel chair bound Veteran on anti-depressants and booze. In other words, if you want a career, you should not live in New Orleans.

In retrospect, I took a six month paid vacation working in a Suwon, Korean hogwan/language institute as a refuge from career issues. I also had that travel itch and a need to do something big and different to shake me out of my rut. That barely audible pitch I heard in Korea is now a clarion bell to get busy and get on a career track that promises a higher level of pay and professional opportunity. Every day I think about what to do with my life and how to get there. I was able to think about it in Korea but now I dwell upon here and I am better for it.

In Korea as in New Orleans (according to Bronson), you are not confronted with this tension to get shit done and pursue your career. Hell, you're in Korea making got money, living a great lifestyle and eating well. Why bother? Here in Los Angeles, however, opportunities are everywhere to create a career you enjoy but the obstacles and hard work can be overwhelming though worth it.

For a good six months I made some excellent cash, saw the world and avoided those nagging career issues. Now that I'm back and planning my future, it is a nasty headache of soul searching. I am experimenting with starting my own college counseling business and recently advertised my administrative services for a fee or commission. No, I am not an escort, you pervs. I'm glad I am doing this now.

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