Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dreams don't come true

I was in a cafe or restaurant with Yanne and this punk-ass kid in his 20's, wearing an 80's style Gap green and orange (?), horizontal-striped shirt, (remember those polo style shirts from their 80's catalog?) decides that he doesn't like me. He says something threatening and then pushes me slightly backward. He is small, thin and aggressive. I know I can kick his ass. Instead, I walk back to my table and reach for my cell phone to call the police. As I am on the phone describing the incident, Yanne is concerned and asking me what is going on. Looking up, the punk is standing in front of me. I ask the 911 operator to hold, casually tell Yanne I will talk to her in a second, and briefly make eye contact with the punk but look past him. He continues walking to the back of the restaurant. I woke up from this dream around 5:50am.

On the bus this morning, around 7am, it's pretty full. I like sitting in the front but there are no seats. I walk towards the back and spot an empty aisle seat. As I approach, there's a kid who is using his leg to block the seat. I wave my hand to motion entry and when I sit down, I turn and look. This punk ass kid is wearing a Gap polo shirt with green and black horizontal stripes! Weird! He is small and thin. I've never seen him before. I remember the dream from earlier. I put on my headphones and listen to NPR. It was a nice bus ride. The end.


Anonymous said...


Your dream could be related with what happened at Vietnamese restaurant on Tuesday evening. You talked to stop that "dude"making noises of his skateboarding (bit too old to be called dude), then later on I told you my 911 response incident.

Thank you by talking to that "dude". :D


kelly said...

Wow, you scared me! At first I thought that your dream really happened. How weird that you saw the same guy in the same shirt on the bus this morning.

Anonymous said...

Hey baby...

I know we have at least two different interest stories. Come on write more...


Palmer said...

Thank you all for writing your comments. Maybe it was related to the skate board incident at Pho Show in Culver City. You're welcome, Ms. anonymous, for talking to that dude.

It's weird about the gap shirt. In fact, the next day or two, I saw more of those 80 style shirts! (In a scary voice: I see Gap shirts!)

kelly said...

Hey Matt,

I hope you and Yanne are having a great weekend.

It's been 10 days since this last post. Do you think you could write something new for your fans?
