Friday, December 5, 2008

Why an economic recession is cathartic

As of December 2008 we are in a country wide recession and as far as I can tell, a world recession is on the way. This economic crisis has the makings of a depression because of de-flation of prices, like oil/gas and consumer goods dropping to lower prices over a period of time. This crisis also has a secondary effect: layoffs.

All those workers who were really lazy and unproductive but in normal times you couldn't get rid of them, are now being given the boot. Yes, it's time to fire those lazy asses and become mean and lean. Our country is bloated, now we need to hit the gym, take some steroids, diet and eat lean proteins: we're in training. Rocky would yell, "Adrienne" about now. It would be great it UCLA lay off people who are lazy asses. We all know who THEY are. Besides, these lazy people should be doing something else that makes them feel productive and happy. It's a gift that they are asked to leave. Merry Fuckin Christmas! This reminds me of how de-politicized Christmas has become: we no longer have Christmas Parties but Holiday Parties. These are careful times where so many groups have staked their ideological footings. We should just eliminate holiday parties because it's fake and disingenuous when we try to keep Christian holidays or the Jewish holiday ideologically equal or politically correct with each other.

Where was I? Oh, yeah. Why an economic recession is cathartic? Once we realize how our appetite and greed for consuming and spending has created this mess, our culture will come in a wave of communal release. It might be the sort of an orgasm that made 60,000 chicks cry during the Beatles 1968 Shea Stadium concert or just a huge drunken binge of vomit spewing forth onto the streets by the unemployed. I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. Anyway, once this recession becomes personal, then peoples' true selves emerge from under the facade of consumerism and status to reveal how consumerist and greedy they are.

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