Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cute Kids Cute Talk?

Hello from the hot and humid side of Suwon, South Korea. It's Palmer in Korea again reporting this time on kid's language acquisition abilities. In other words, the things they say in the classroom.

There's a colleague who got upset about the new and fun way some students are talking in my school. It seems that one of her/his students likes to go around in the classroom and say in English, "Very Sexy!" (the female student pronounces it as: "Very Shasexy") I'm not sure if she learned it from another student or if it's the same student that my other colleague, Bernard, teaches. Some teachers have the same student in different classes during the day. In any case, my colleague was very upset last week and shook a disapproving finger in Bernard's direction. From what I've heard he/she is one of the teacher's currently looking for work elsewhere.

There's another few students who now go around and use the satan like head-banger hand sign you would see in the audience of an AC/DC show. The colleague noticed that too. He/she says this upsets the routine of students. When students need to settle down, the teachers sometimes say, "Show me two fingers...who's quiet?" The students then hold up their right hands and make a "peace" sign and hopefully settle down. Now, it's all shot to hell with satan's handy-work!

If you are cringing blog reader, this will really grab ya! Yesterday I talked to Bernard, he's a bi-lingual Canadian Korean. He told me that that last week one of his young students grabbed her breast and said to him, in Korean, "suck suck" or "milk me." WTF?! She's younger than twelve!

I have a eight year old student who ran up to me at the beginning of class a few weeks ago and said that she wants to be "my lover!" I told her no, I am your teacher. Where do kids model or see this behavior? It's crazy teaching English at a hogwan.


kelly said...

What happened to your last post?

Anonymous said...

i agree with kelly. lame and shame on you.