Friday, October 31, 2008

The 2008 Presidential Election

In about five days we'll have a new President of the United States. I just heard that my uncle, who has not voted in years, will vote for Obama. Last I heard my gun owning, small militia friendly brother will vote for McCain. Four years from now, with the political frenzy beating its drums again, what will we remember from 2008?

We should do a research poll of all the campaign pledges made by both parties and see how they stack up against each other and against the candidate's performance. I figure about 10 percent promised will happen. Candidates always make sweeping pledges which they can't or don't make and follow up on for the many complex reasons. Right?

All of this is nonsense, really. Who did all those people vote for the last eight years? Bush, Jr. WTF? Is this country crazy? Yes. And if Florida tainted the election process with the Supreme Court's backing, does it matter anyway? If a person falls from a 59 story or 29 story building, they're dead regardless of the height.

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