Friday, October 24, 2008

Why I hate using Macintosh computers for work

Hello again kind blog reader/s…it’s been a while. Yes, yes. I’ve been slacking on my writing duties because, as some of you know, I have been looking for a job. Some of you are having withdrawal symptoms, others don’t give a crap and any new or returning reader to this self-indulgent blog, out there in the Internet World, or as I now call it (IW)—look: I need to make some kind of heady acronym for this blog or I will be a has-been, has already become impatient and wants me to get to the point!

In my department at a very large university located in Los Angeles, they use Macintoshes. Most departments here us PCs, loaded with Windows XP. I know some of you love Macs. They’re elegant, easy to use, even fun sometimes. But they are toys. If you’re going to be offended by my criticism, constructive or not, please don’t read on…

Macintoshes belong in cafes where you can sip your Peet’s coffee, surf and send emails or organize your last party or vacation pictures. And if you’re sipping some good coffee from Peet’s using their free wi-fi, then please purchase another cup of coffee. Don’t be a mooch. Anyways, Macs suck and they should be condemned from any office unless you do graphics or movie animation. Sorry, Yanne and Kelly, likers of the Macintosh.

Too Many Cliques

Macintosh users belong the nerd elite of computer literati. PC users are the salt of the earth. Macintosh fanatics are smart and denigrate big corporate types who use PCs. PC users are smart and efficient. PC users have urged Mac users to help people use Macs better for the masses. Macs cost more. PCs cost less.

Sending an email at a certain time

I want to send an email at Sunday, at 4pm when my boss is probably sitting down at her desk, going over her itinerary for Monday. In this email reminder is to ask to bring in her receipts from her business trip. I can’t do this in Mac mail. Junk.

I want to set up an email reminder to myself to follow up on an email from someone else. Can’t do this in Mac mail. Junk.

I just recently learned how to get rid of the printer icon from my Mac dock. Are Mac users disorganized and absent minded? Why have the icon on the dock after you print something? Macintosh has defaced my desktop real estate space! And, it keeps coming back! Junk.

Oh, here’s one of my favorites: sorting my email in Mac mail. My supervisor and I were discussing an upcoming event and I wanted to double check one person’s response. When I clicked on the “from” column, Mac mail sorted by sender’s name but I could not “jump” to the next letter or email using the key pad. Instead, I had to manually scroll down to find the email while an embarrassing number of emails from my girl friend took up screen real estate.
Whatever happened to having a Notepad, a simple application on Mac? It has TextEdit which requires users of GUI to use more mouse clicks to do what Notepad simply has done for 20 years. Mac. Junk.

And for each operation of some software, there seems to be more mouse clicks involved. Whatever happened to hitting the return button to say “yes” or the letter “n” on your keyboard to say “no?” With a mac you need to use the mouse to click on “No” and sometimes the return key works for a “yes.”

When using software I find myself looking for the shortcuts that don’t exist. I want to do a “save as” (F12 on a PC) and the mac requires me to go to the menu and select “save as.” I haven’t found any shortcuts for that and I looked on line too. Blah!

I totally bored you blog readers. I had to rant. I’ve been using Mac OS X for three weeks now and though I am used to it, I don’t like it. Windows. Junk too but at least it works! Blah!

1 comment:

kelly said...

Have you tried using the tab key? That helps me alot when using the internet - tabbing to the next field. Another great thing about Macs is that they are virtually impervious to computer viruses. I hope that someday you will like using the Mac. They really are great machines.