Saturday, April 5, 2008

Evil takes a holiday

Some of you know or have heard of my best friend O. He just made Associate Professor! Congratulations go out to him. He's on tenure track now towards full professor. I am very excited for his achievement and after his five plus years struggle to make tenure, the question still remains: why does evil prevail? And when it does fail or fall short, it takes a holiday?

Take Saddam Hussein. Evil dictator of Iraq. Lived a healthy and long life cut short by a hanging but nonetheless, survived a few wars, coup etats, ethnic and tribal uprisings, etc. Evil lives a long time even in different countries. When American leaves, what evil will rise up in it's place?

Then, take John Ritter, the actor from Three's Company. Funny comedian. Dies at age 50. Why? He made people laugh. Suffered some freakish stroke/heart attack. Yes, blog reader, life is not fair especially if you're a good person. Evil lives, Goodness dies. It's not Star Wars. Darth Vadar does not go over to the good force. So when my friend's tenure was blocked by one evil professor, I wonder why evil prevails for so long? Is it that people are afraid? What is it about evil that persuades and cajoles people into conformity? Can we really "blame" mass media? Are we like proverbial sheep? Why did this evil professor have so much sway in blocking O each time for tenure like Charles Manson's parole board? O hasn't changed. He just published more stuff in those five years, in fact, more than any of them! The frustration!

I congratulate O on his victory (please join in with the "V" sign). Goodness rules...for now.

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