Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back in LA, dude or Eight things I don't like about Los Angeles

Dude, I'm back in L.A. and not loving it here. But I knew that before and after Korea. It's not a surprise. I always feel tension in my stomach! This tension permeates me: it's difficult living here. It's the same feeling I had way before I left. I think a lot of us have it. It is the way of a big city, you got to hustle in the bustle. It's not my mental state or emotional state but the Californian State. hehehe. Although Suwon is a major step below L.A., I did not feel a constant tension. It could be for a number of reasons which I could speculate all day long...

Things I don't like about L.A. and hopefully these won't be used against me for applying to jobs:
1. Tattoos. Why? Doesn't anyone who is not in a gang know the history/purpose of tattoos???
2. Driving. You must drive everywhere.
3. Weather. For Jesus' sake, can't we just have one day of bad weather?
4. Fat people. I see fat people everywhere. Let em eat a Korean diet for a year. Problem solved?
5. Crazy people. I see crazy people everywhere. Why so many of them? And why Korea has so few visible crazy people?
6. Guns. Do you really need five automatics for your five year old kid?
7. Creepy people. Yes, I'm back to the people here. I 'm standing in line at Big Five sporting goods and three creepy people come in and give me a really creepy vibe. I never had a creepy vibe from people in Korea though I went to some places which I obviously didn't belong. Maybe I did not learn the Korean Kreepy Vibe they have?
8. Republicans. For Jesus' sake! Sorry, the DSMIV should list Republicans as a disease. Has big government gotten smaller since their tenure? Have corruptions been abated? Has war ended? Has oil interests declined? Has Orange County, California become "normal?" No.

That's eight reasons to hate L.A. Have any of your own?


Anonymous said...

haha thats funny... u should consider coming back to maple bear. yo i sent u an email read it. ull like it. :)

kelly said...

Hmmm, those are really good reasons to dislike L.A. (my hometown). I have a love/hate relationship with LA. I just returned from vacation, and that helps me be grateful for my home. (Especially when going to someplace like The South, that always helps me). Maybe you should make up a list of things you like about LA. I am sure you can think of some positives. If you need help with this, I will provide some reasons for you. Let me know... ;)

Palmer said...

Thank you kind blog readers for your comments! I will think about another list of things i like about L.A. and will respond to anonymous' email about maple bear.