Monday, March 3, 2008

To the bar and hurry up! (Bar Jew-say-o, bali, bali)

Yesterday, at 5pm, after a full five hours of lesson planning in the cold little basement of green cubicles and sluggish Internet, i decided to walk around the neighborhood of bars and restaurants. With my 30 pound back pack and imitation Navy P-coat, I wondered around for ten minutes exploring the minuatae of Suwon. It hjas a lot of commerical buildings that line the street, some eight stories high containing billard rooms, "Businessmen bars", Karate studios, soup shops and other things. Within minutes, a cab pulled up and a man wearing his hospital pajamas, rolled out. With his IV stand in hand, he paused to lite up a cigarette and walked across the street to his favorite bar. How can you not love this place?

Translation: Bar Jew-say-o, bali, bali = Take me to the bar, right away. I've been in the hospital too long and I need to drink and smoke!

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